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Rotary Dryer / Kiln

Product Description :

Excellent En-Fab incorporation built a reputation for building the best rotary dryers in the industry. All of our dryers are custom designed to suit the unique processing needs of your material. Whether you require low or high inlet temperatures, short or long residence times, or counter-current or co-current flow, an Excellent design team can design a rotary drum dryer for your application.

A rotary dryer is a type of industrial dryer used to reduce or minimize the moisture content of the material it is handling by bringing it into contact with a heated gas. The dryer is made up of a rotating cylinder (“drum” or “shell”), a drive mechanism, and a support structure (commonly concrete posts or a steel frame).

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Rotary Dryer / kiln

The rotary dryer also known as tumbling dryer is an equipment employed to minimize the moisture content of feed materials by bringing it in direct contact with a heated gas. It consists of an inclined long drum or cylindrical shell often fitted with internal flights or lifters; rotated slowly upon bearings through which the material to be dried flows with a tumbling/cascading action in concurrent (for heat-sensitive materials) or counter-current flow with the heating air or gases.

Rotary Dryer/Kiln Benefits :

Often, indirectly heated dryers are used when product contamination is a concern. In some cases, a combination of direct-indirect heated rotary dryers is also used to improve overall efficiency and Rotary dryers are primarily used to remove moisture from material and operate at inlet temperatures between 300 and 600 oF.

Rotary Kiln is primarily used to calcination from material and operate at inlet temperatures between 900 and 1500 of.

Rotary Dryers have many applications but are most commonly seen in the mineral industry for drying sand, stone, and soil.

Reach out to a professional right away for additional details! and We Excellent En-Fab Incorporation can assist you in choosing the ideal piece of machinery for your thermal processing requirements.

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